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Getting the hay ready for baling in the Hill Field (2019; 90133m

Getting the hay ready for baling in the Hill Field (2019; 90133m): Frank M for the mylenwyd MY PLACE project on the family farm in Four Roads, Co Roscommon, Ireland. Frank: "Here I stand on the family farm where I grew up. The picture is taken in our Hill Field, which is the highest vantage point for maybe 40 miles. Our family house is hidden in the trees in the centre distance; further left are most of the family fields and my local village, Four Roads, is in the trees on far left. In the midground, my brother Donal is preparing hay for baling later in the day. Even though I left here almost 50 years ago, this is where I will always belong - my heimat!" --- Copyright 2019 Joachim W. Schroeter (JoWSch). The mylenwyd MY PLACE project shows people in places which have a special meaning to them. More images of the mylenwyd MY PLACE project at --- More images of Frank M at as well as of the family and of the family farm at More photography, poetry and other fine things in life by Joachim at
Getting the hay ready for baling in the Hill Field (2019; 90133m