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Markus & Stephanie Jellen (2020; 24039m)

Markus & Stephanie Jellen (2020; 24039m), owners of "Käthe • Luzia" Delicatessen (Thierschstrasse 7, 80538 Munich, Bavaria/Germany), @kaetheundluzia for the mylenwyd AT WORK series. Markus & Stephanie: "We both love food and wine, and we are always on the hunt for excellent produce. In our carefully selected range of food and beverages you might not find everything you could possibly want. But as food lovers you will find top quality ingredients for a wide variety of joyful meals, hot or cold, plus a few home made dishes to take away when in a hurry. And a careful selection of wines to match. Delikatessen in its true and original sense." ••• Copyright 2020 Joachim W. Schroeter (JoWSch). The mylenwyd AT WORK series shows people in their professional environment. More images of the mylenwyd AT WORK series at ••• More images of "Käthe • Luzia" Delicatessen (Thierschstrasse 7, 80538 Munich, Bavaria/Germany), its folks and the crew at More photography, poetry and other fine things in life by Joachim at
Markus & Stephanie Jellen (2020; 24039m)