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Pia (2)

Pia. Pia Post. With a name like that, how could she not be an artist, or not have a creative profession? Pia's an interior architect and designer, and an ace at that - as many a villa and yacht owner have found out to their greatest delight (at the time of this photograph she had just been flown to Sardinia and back, to celebrate another superyacht beauty of hers); and whoever had the luck to see the Cartier jewellery exhibition at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid in 2012/3 - well, interior design by Pia Post. She also happens to be one the most unpretentious, natural people I know and have the pleasure to be friends with. And she's married to one of my best friends, Jo Hesse. Perfect.

More photos of Pia at Copyright 2016 Joachim W. Schroeter. More photography, travel and other fine things in life by Joachim at
Pia (2)